We have a rather robust group of potatoes here – they kind of self-organized, coming from prior authorized plantings, from peelings in the compost, and who knows what else. I decided to see what would happen if I planted some in the greenhouse, in large planters.
For much of January, nothing really happened. But in early February, the first growth began showing up, and they’re going gangbusters now.
It has been a colder winter than we have grown accustomed to. We had to order another cord of wood, and fill the oil tank again. But the sun grows stronger every day, and the new potato plants can feel it, can feel the minutes of daytime increasing, and can count on having the source of their energy.
In non-art terms, I have a lot of outdoor projects coming up – I want to finally coppice willows, and start building hedgerows for the wildlife that loses more land every year. The massive crabapple needs pruning, and it went from being too cold and icy to do it, to a sudden warm spell, so now I need to wait for the next cold snap to show up without sleet or ice rain.
But for now, I’ll just watch the baby potatoes do their thing.