What are we doing here?

I remember when ads were a tiny part of a site, instead of the reason for having a site. It’s gross. I also remember when people weren’t so relentlessly tracked by companies, and you didn’t need to opt out all the time.

So this site, and CoffeeAndCreatures.com will always follow the principles below:

  • No ads, because they ruin experiences and trust.
  • No comments, because this is not a site devoted to discussions, and spending all of my time fighting off bots isn’t worth it.
  • No tracking – I am not tracking traffic to/from social media, QR codes, etc, because I am not trying to make money off interacting with folks who want to read this site.

I do have a Patreon and Ko-Fi set up, as the only way I will make money from my work, and you are free to donate/subscribe if you want to support that work, or not. To me, it’s a lot more honest than serving you a page full of ads and tracking how you got to my site & where you go next, and making money off a crappy reading experience. Your attention is precious, and it deserves more respect than that.